about dnm 

Hi, I’m Danica

I’m an Integrative Kinesiologist & Empowerment Coach dedicated to helping you unlock your full potential and break free of limitations so you can step into your power and find freedom in all aspects of your life.

Drawing from my own journey of self-discovery, I intimately understand the courage it takes to step into the unknown and pursue what you truly desire. I use my personal experience and qualifications to support clients who feel stuck and stressed, guiding them towards a deeper connection with themselves and work on goals that resonate with their deepest desires.

I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Life presents it’s share of challenges, yet within each obstacle lies an opportunity for empowerment.

My own journey has been no exception.

From navigating a turbulent upbringing to confronting my own ill mental health, I understand firsthand the trials that life can provide. It was from these early experiences that conditioned me to believe that I was a victim of circumstance, trapped in a cycle of self-doubt and insecurity. As I grew older, I found myself navigating the corporate world, where the pressure and pace only seemed to exacerbate the internal turmoil I felt.

But rather than letting these experiences define me, I've used them as fuel for personal growth and transformation.

my journey ~

my journey ~

From Corporate Burnout to Holistic Healing

In 2019, my turning point arrived. Despite a successful career in marketing and brand management for 15 years, I felt drained and empty.

As I privately delved into holistic health practices to manage stress and enhance my overall wellbeing, I uncovered the ability to rewrite my story. This realisation sparked a newfound passion within me. Leaving behind the familiarity of corporate life in Sydney, I made the bold move to the Gold Coast to pursue becoming a certified NLP Master Practitioner and Neuro Linguistic Kinesiologist. And I’ve not looked back.

Today, drawing from my journey and expertise, I offer clients a supportive, judgment-free space to begin their own journey of personal growth and self-discovery, helping them break free from the past and embrace a brighter future.

within each obstacle lies an opportunity

At DNM Kinesiology, I wholeheartedly embrace personal growth and transformation, recognising that life's journey presents both challenges yet incredible opportunities for self-awareness, resilience, and empowerment.

As a compassionate and understanding guide, I meet you where you are in your personal journey, offering empathetic yet practical methods to support your growth.

Together we explore your inner thoughts, shift perspectives, and communicate with your subconscious mind to address imbalances affecting your overall wellbeing. My mission is to empower you to break free from self-sabotaging patterns, embrace your full potential, and live a life filled with balance, clarity, and confidence.

Whether you're grappling with imposter syndrome, feeling overwhelmed by stress, or simply seeking clarity as you navigate life, I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

Together we work to…

My Approach


Embrace new ways of thinking and approaching circumstances, gaining clarity and confidence as we shift perspectives to unlock your true potential.

CRaft your personal path

We identify and discuss strategies to implement, creating a personalised roadmap aligned with your goals to guide you towards fulfillment and success.


Together, we uncover and overcome subconscious barriers, using corrections and generating solutions that empower you to overcome challenges and thrive in every aspect of your life.

Ready to embark on this journey of self discovery and empowerment together?

I invite you to take the first step and rewrite your story.

Your journey towards a more balanced, aligned, and fulfilling life starts here.

If you're curious about our offerings, please connect with me for a more detailed chat on what your experience could look like or come and experience a session firsthand.

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