Frequently Asked Questions

  • Integrative Kinesiology & Empowerment Coaching harnesses the power of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Neuro Linguistic Kinesiology to detect and clear stress in the mind, body, and soul. Using these techniques, we tap into your internal resources, set individual goals, and guide you toward a life of clarity, confidence, and fulfilment.

    With Integrative Kinesiology and Empowerment Coaching, you can expect support in stress management, building self-awareness and confidence, clearing brain fog, and gaining direction for life.

    Together we will work on:

    • Identifying and transforming blocks holding you back.

    • Boosting self-esteem and self-worth.

    • Enhancing confidence and overcoming past traumas.

    • Clearing fears, phobias, and anxiety.

    • Breaking through stuckness and changing unwanted behaviours.

    • Healing dysfunctional patterns and navigating life transitions.

    By utilising a combination of muscle testing, mindset shifts, and intention setting, we uncover the root causes of imbalances within the body, release limiting beliefs, and empower you with strategies to confidently move toward your desires.

  • Integrative Kinesiology & Empowerment Coaching is a safe and effective approach that can benefit individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Whether you seek relief from physical discomfort, emotional stress, or personal growth, Integrative Kinesiology offers holistic support for your wellbeing. However, it's important to note that it's not a substitute for medical treatment, and you should always consult with your healthcare provider for any serious health concerns.

    DNM Kinesiology works with clients ranging from adolescents to adults, many of whom incorporate Integrative Kinesiology & Empowerment Coaching as part of a multidisciplinary approach to their overall health and wellbeing.

  • People commonly visit DNM Kinesiology for issues relating (but not limited) to:

    • Anxiety/Stress

    • Chronic Pain

    • Limiting Self Beliefs

    • People pleasing

    • Relationship issues

    • Mindset

    • Trauma

    • Overwhelm

    • Behavioural problems

    • Confidence and self-esteem

    • Suppressed emotions

    • Feeling disconnected, seeking purpose and clarity

    • Sleep issues

    • Not feeling like their true self

    • Personal development & curious to understand what the body is storing.

  • Danica from DNM Kinesiology offers sessions worldwide, online and in person on the Gold Coast, Australia.

    Online Integrative sessions are available from Tuesday to Saturday via Zoom and phone. Book here for online sessions. If you need a session time beyond the current availability, please contact us.

    In-person sessions with Danica from DNM Kinesiology are available on Monday and Saturday at Sumone, located in Burleigh Heads. Book here for in person sessions.

    If you require an in-person session on other days, please reach out to inquire about alternative availability for appointments.

  • During a session with DNM Kinesiology, each experience is unique as it depends on what we’re working on together and what tests as ready to be cleared and balanced within mind and body.

    Here's a general overview of how DNM Kinesiology sessions typically unfold:

    1. Introduction and Goal Setting:

      We'll begin with a discussion about your health history, focusing on what you want to address and any questions you may have. Together, we'll clarify what we're working towards both in the session and long-term.

    2. Connection and Muscle Testing:

      For in-person sessions, you'll lay on the massage table (fully clothed) as I establish a connection with you through muscle testing. In online sessions, with your permission, I'll conduct muscle testing remotely using intention setting, visualisation, and energy healing practices. This helps uncover valuable information related to your goals, including outdated beliefs, emotional triggers, and stressors linked to specific life events.

    3. Identifying Imbalances:

      Using muscle testing, we'll uncover imbalances, blockages, and disruptions across physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual aspects of your well-being.

    4. Corrections and Balancing Techniques:

      Once imbalances are identified, we'll employ various techniques and remedies such as acupressure, colour therapy, visualisation, NLP processes or other methods to restore harmony and balance.

    5. Reflection and Home Support:

      As we conclude, we'll reflect on the insights gained and discuss how you're feeling. I may offer home support suggestions, including activities or practices to integrate into your daily life for continued progress beyond sessions.

    This structured approach ensures a holistic and transformative experience tailored to your unique needs and goals.

  • A variety of tools and techniques will be used to assess and address imbalances in the body's energy systems, muscles, and overall wellbeing.

    Tools and techniques used in sessions can include:

    • Oracle Cards, Books and Charts to identify emotions

    • Tapping acupressure points

    • Colour Therapy

    • Meridian Balancing

    • Chakra Balancing

    • Structural Corrections

    • Neuro- Vascular points maybe held or massaged

    • Visualisation

    • NLP processes

    • Mandala Meditations

    • Emotional Stress Release

  • Online sessions are just as potent and impactful as in-person ones, with a few key differences that make them unique.

    During online sessions, I utilise a technique called surrogating, where I use my own muscle to test on your behalf. This means I hold your energy within my own system and I apply remedies and corrections on my own body if you’re unable to whilst we’re on zoom. It's a distance healing, and surprisingly effective! After all, Kinesiology works with energy, which isn't confined by physical distance.

    Clients often find it surprisingly easy to connect and engage during online sessions. Whether you're time-constrained, living remotely, or simply prefer the comfort of your own home, the benefits are just as profound as face-to-face sessions. It's truly remarkable. The best way to truly understand the experience is to try it for yourself.

    Online sessions are DNM Kinesiology’s favourite way to stay connected and support clients interstate and internationally.

  • How you feel after a session will vary, depending on what you came in for originally and can also vary from session to session.

    Ater a session with DNM Kinesiology, clients describe feeling:

    • Relaxed with a sense of lightness, as if a weight has been lifted off.

    • Clear, calm, and peaceful.

    • Tired and ready to sleep.

    • An increase in energy, vitality and motivation.

    • Clear headed with more clarity of thought and awareness.

    • A reduction of pain, symptoms, and stress.

    • Able to let go of negative thinking and reduce obsessive thoughts and/ or behaviours.

    • Assured with some clarity on next steps to make to support themselves to move forward.

  • The number of sessions needed varies depending on individual needs and goals. While some clients experience improvements after just a few sessions, lasting change typically requires commitment and consistency.

    Here's a general guideline:

    • Begin with a minimum of 3 sessions for deeper exploration and progress.

    • Reflect on whether Kinesiology feels right for you after the initial sessions.

    • For chronic issues, consistent sessions spaced 1-2 weeks apart are recommended.

    • Beyond the initial phase, ongoing support with sessions every 4-6 weeks helps maintain overall wellbeing.

    Throughout the process, new issues may arise, prompting continued sessions to address them. Some clients opt for regular "check-ins" as part of their self-care routine, whether monthly, 6-8 weeks, or annually.

    Remember, healing is a process, and each session uncovers new layers, leading to deeper transformation. Your commitment to the process is key to achieving lasting results. If you have specific concerns, feel free to reach out to discuss.

  • Booking a session with DNM Kinesiology is easy! Simply click here to book a session or contact us directly to schedule an appointment.

    We offer flexible appointment times to accommodate your schedule, and we look forward to supporting you on your journey to wellness.

  • There’s no such thing as a silly question at DNM Kinesiology. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any additional questions you may have.